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Join our seminars in October as we discuss Medicare 2025 changes

As the fall approaches and you start to receive endless Medicare

advertisements and see countless ads on TV and the internet,

please remember to communicate with your Medicare Insurance Agent.

There are a lot of confusing marketing strategies that insurance

companies and brokerages use to attract your attention. When you see

something that may not make sense or doesn’t seem to add up, rather

than calling the 800 number you see in the ad, please reach out to your

Insurance Agent who helps you with your Medicare coverage.

You might be wondering who that person is. Maybe you purchased

your Medicare insurance online or over the phone through a call center

and you don’t have access to an Insurance Agent who you can call your

own. If this is the case, there are plenty of agents available who are willing

to help walk you through the changes that are occurring this year. You

just need to find someone you like and feel like you can trust.

I happen to be an agent who is happy to help. In fact, I have a new

“partner in crime” on my team who is also willing to help you. We are

both local agents who are able to meet with you either on the phone, via

Zoom, or in person. We will accommodate whatever your comfort level


We are also going to be hosting a few seminars during the first half of

October to help go over the upcoming 2025 changes. Once we have all

the arrangements set; you will be able to find details on my website at: Please check to see if one of the days

will work for you. With so many changes about to happen, it will be great

to get some groups together to get the information out and spread the

word. Plus, groups ask all sorts of questions, and you can really benefit from

someone else’s approach. I hope to see you at one of our seminars.


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